Saturday, July 5, 2014

Concept Paper

Adolescent Friendly Centre (AFC)

Background Summary
The Golden Jubilee Organization for Local Development (LSO-GOLD) is a registered private sector organization under companies’ ordinance 1984, based in the union council Aliabad the largest union council in sub-division Hunza, with an area comprised of Dorkhan, Aliabad, Hassanabad and Murtazaabad villages. LSO-GOLD is an umbrella organization to more than 65 Village organizations (VO’s), Women organizations (WO’s), Civil society organizations (CSO’s), Community based organizations (CBO’s) and Youth Organizations (YO’s), which are registered and play a vital role in mobilization. Our mission is to bring social, economical, cultural and environmental changes through public involvement from the very grassroots level. The organization is aimed at to provide complete assistance to the local communities, while mobilizing and building partnerships with public sector and other local, national and international leading organizations.  The entire population of the working area is consist of approximately 14,000 and 2,500 households, out of which some 35% are adolescents aged between 9-19 years, according to the survey conducted by Ismaili Local Council Aliabad/Hyderabad.  
As far as the factor adolescent is concern, there are vast array of problems related to the reproductive health of youth aged between 9-19 years in the working area. These issues are further divided into different sectors according to their enormous importance in the growth of an adolescent.
1.       Health
Health is the major factor of human growth. It is well said that “Health is Wealth”, without a proper health nobody can develop him/herself in a society. During the crucial time period of hormonal changes in both sexes particularly 9-19 years, the concern persons is tend to do different tactics with his/her sexual organs for mental satisfaction i.e. Masturbation, which is directly ineffective in the long term growth.
2.       Education
Education is the foremost tool of personal and mental development and growth. Healthy minds always do healthy activities, which is beneficial for the whole society. Throughout the growth of an adolescent, it is prior to have knowledge, information, awareness and consciousness about the changes born in him/her.
3.       Care Guidance
The families living in the mountainous communities there is lack of care guidance, which ultimately affect the health of both child and families. It is essential for the families in whole and particularly the parents to look after their children activities however this can be only achieved by bringing them on a same platform.

4.       Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is hazardous for societies; young generation mostly involved in smoking, drinking, chewing pan/naswar etc during the age of 9-19 years. During this time period excessive energy is released from the body and feelings became unstable thoughts. 
Need Assessment
As Aliabad is undeclared headquarter, Business hub and largest town of Hunza. After the catastrophic landslide of Ataabad, the same town became the main habitat of the Internal Displaced Persons (IDPs). There are more than 100 homes belong to them. As a business hub and rapid growth in economy, Aliabad is home to some 500 outsider youth.
HIV AIDS is a deadly disease; according to WHO Pakistan is one of the counties suffering from this lethal virus. 3 out of 10 people in our area even don’t know the exact meaning for this acronym. It is alarming for the communities living in this area. The jurisdiction of the LSO-GOLD is very vast according to its population and area.
The need for an Adolescent Friendly Centre (AFC) became a major apprehension part for the locals, as the number of adolescents is very high in this locality. Early education, trainings, workshops and knowledge about reproductive health can bring positive changes in the sectors which have already discussed in the paper above. Therefore the LSO-GOLD is keen interested to work with other organization for the betterment of human well-being.
Because of its vast scattered area, it is suitable for all villages to have a combined AFC in two villages one in Aliabad and the other in Murtazaabad. These combined AFC’s will work as a host for both males and females for that particular area. We have already planned and distribute the days and timings for relevant AFC, different days in a week will be allocated for male and female i.e. 3 days in a week for males and 3 for females in the same AFC.
Target Group/Area
The target group for this project is male and female aged between 9-19 years, and the targeted area consist of 4 villages Dorkhan, Aliabad, Hassanabad and Murtazabad.
Sustainability focuses on the factors given below:

From start to working the AFC requires finance to sustain for a long term period. The initial technical and financial support should be fully provided to the organization.
After running this AFC, the enrolment fee shall be imposed on the registered member the amount will be finalized later. Initially an amount will be charged as a registration fee. This fee will be spending on the day to day requirements of the AFC.
AFC Committee
This committee will be declared and organized by the BODs of the LSO-GOLD. This committee will be responsible and look after the AFCs.
·         Through the AFC the entire population of adolescents will be trained via trainings, workshops, lectures and peer to peer knowledge.
·         They will be informed with unhealthy activities and there will be a healthy environment among the adolescents.
·         Parents will be updated with their child daily routine; this positive approach will develop friendly relations among parents and their children.
·         AFC will build up awareness about challenges faced by adolescents, which will transform the locals into a vigorous society.
·         AFC registered members will be the beneficiaries, who will work as marketing tool and help other people to join AFCs.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Internship Report

Youth Internship Programme (YIP)
Internship Report

Internship Report

Golden Jubilee Organization for Local Development (GOLD)
Rakaposhi Camping Site, Aliabad Hunza

Submitted by
Ahmed Nayyar


During my stay in the office of Golden Jubilee Organization for Local Development (GOLD) Aliabad Hunza, I come to meet and know some of the people whom we never forget for their valuable help, support, suggestions and guidelines which lead me to achieve this internship period as a millennium goal of my career.
I want to express gratitude to Mr. Aman Ullah Khan, Chairman GOLD-LSO who always motivated me to learn, develop and implement ideas under his leadership. I want to submit my special thanks to Madam Shahana, Project Manager Caritas (PMU Hunza) who encourage me each and every time to build and widen my expertise and skills via communicating and involving organizations particularly  VO’s/WO’s in the GOLD jurisdiction.
I want to say special thanks to the people working under the GOLD umbrella, for their worthy contributions, time and knowledge in the long run development of local communities. 

Executive Summary

This paper is about the 3 months long intensive internship at Golden Jubilee Organization for Local Development (GOLD) under the banner Youth Internship Programme (YIP) of EELY project jointly organized by Aga Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP) and Tourism & Youth Affairs Department, Gilgit – Baltistan funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD), formerly Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
GOLD is a Non-profit, Non Government Organization (NGO) registered under the companies ordinance 1984. GOLD is an umbrella organization to more than 30 registered Woman Organizations (WO’s), Village Organizations (VO’s), Youth Organizations (YO’s), Community Based Organizations (CBO’s) and Civil Society Organizations (CSO’s) with complementary mandates in economic, social and cultural development. The working area is comprised of the Union Council Aliabad including Aliabad, Hassanabad and Murtazaabad villages with a special addition to Dorkhan village which is a part of the union council Haiderabad.
Working in the fields of economic, cultural and social development, GOLD aims to provide choices of opportunities to communities so that they can realize and determine their own development.
The governing body is consisting of 21 Board of Directors (BOD’s), out of which 30% women empowerment is ensured, they are selected for a period of 3 years written in the bylaws of the organization. They are elected in Annual General Meeting (AGM) by the democratic system from the organizations that are registered to the GOLD. Each organization nominates 2 members who are participating actively in the affairs related to their particular organization. The BOD’s is composite of 5 female and 16 male members. The BOD’s is headed by a chairman and a cabinet, who also are nominated by the BOD’s through democratic system. The cabinet is divided into a Chairman on top is the authorized person according to the bylaws of the GOLD, Vice Chairman a person to hold the charge of Chairman in case of absence from the office.  Secretary who looks after the routine work of GOLD, Finance Secretary who is responsible to watch the financial matters of GOLD, Manager is responsible to manage the office records and communicate the information within the organization and other stakeholders.

Table of Contents

0.      List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
1.      Introduction
2.      Overview of the organization
2.1  Union Council Aliabad
2.2  GOLD
3.      Internship duties and Responsibilities
3.1  Registration/Re-Active V/WO’s
3.2  Datumbaresho Water Channel
3.3  Promotion of Value Added Fruit Products
3.4  Water & Sanitation Extension Program
3.5  Trainings
3.5.1        Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
3.5.2        Pruning, Thinning, MML
3.5.3        Management and Accounts
3.6  Annual General Meeting (AGM)
3.7  Surveys
3.8  Universal Birth Registration  
4.   Findings
5.   Conclusion and Recommendations
6.   References/Bibliography

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

AFC                                          Adolescent Friendly Centre
AKRSP                                     Aga Khan Rural Support Program
ASF                                           Agri-business Support Fund
AGM                                         Annual General Meeting
BOD’s                                       Board of Directors
CBO                                         Community Based Organization
CMS                                         Civic Management Society
CSO                                         Civil Society Organization
DoA                                          Department of Agriculture
DFATD                                      Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development
EELY                                         Enhancing Employability & Leadership in Youth
GB                                            Gilgit – Baltistan
GOLD                                      Golden Jubilee Organization for Local Development
KADO                                      Karakorum Area Development Organization
JICA                                         Japan International Corporation Agency
LG & RD                                  Local Government and Rural Development
LSO                                          Local Support Organization
PMU                                         Project Management Unit
UBR                                          Universal Birth Registration
VO                                            Village Organization
WASEP                                     Water and Sanitation Extension Program
WO                                           Women Organization
YIP                                           Youth Internship Programme
YO                                            Youth Organization

1.     Introduction

The Golden Jubilee Organization for Local Development (GOLD) (registered) is a private sector organization under section 4 of the companies’ ordinance 1984, based in the union council Aliabad the largest union council in sub-division Hunza, with an area comprised of Dorkhan, Aliabad, Hassanabad and Murtazaabad villages. GOLD is an umbrella organization to more than 60 Village organizations (VO’s), Women organizations (WO’s), Civil society organizations (CSO’s), Community based organizations (CBO’s) and Youth Organizations (YO’s), out of which 35 are registered and play a vital role in mobilizing the local communities. Our mission is to bring social, economical, cultural and environmental changes through public involvement from the very grassroots level. The organization is aimed at to provide complete assistance to the local communities, while mobilizing and building partnerships with public sector and other local, national and international leading organizations.  The entire population of the working area is consist of approximately 14,000 and 2,500 households, out of which some 35% are youth aged between 18-35 years, according to the survey conducted by Ismaili Local Council Aliabad/Hyderabad.
GOLD accomplished a number of projects ranging from Water and Sanitation project to an extra-ordinary progress in the fields of socio-economic growth of the communities. These projects include “Improvement of Irrigation Channels & Poney Tracks”, “Promotion of Value-added Products of Gilgit - Baltistan”, “Water & Sanitation Project”, “Trainings and Workshops”. Some of these projects are running and others were somehow pending from the years before due to various issues or non involvement of the organization. But in the end these pending projects were completed and are benefiting the local communities.
GOLD also constituted a campaign to re-organize and re-active the organizations which were partially dead or were not working because of the non-availability of the staff and office setup of the GOLD-LSO. Since more than 15 V/W/YO’s are registered, re-active in this campaign. Moreover, the Chairman, and the BOD’s are in connection to make further collaborations with public and private sector organizations for the long term development of the people.

2.     Overview of the organization

2.1              Union Council Aliabad
            Aliabad is undeclared headquarter of the newly form District Hunza – Nagar. As Business hub and largest town of Hunza the former is home to approximately           8000 inhabitants. Union council Aliabad is comprised of 3 villages Aliabad,     Hassanabad and Murtazaabad.   

2.2       GOLD
GOLD is a Non-profit, Non Government Organization (NGO) registered under the companies ordinance 1984. GOLD is an umbrella organization to more than 30 registered Woman Organizations (WO’s), Village Organizations (VO’s), Youth Organizations (YO’s), Community Based Organizations (CBO’s) and Civil Society Organizations (CSO’s) with complementary mandates in economic, social and cultural development. The working area is comprised of the Union Council Aliabad including Aliabad, Hassanabad and Murtazaabad villages with a special addition to Dorkhan village which is a part of the union council Haiderabad.
Working in the fields of economic, cultural and social development, GOLD aims to provide choices of opportunities to communities so that they can realize and determine their own development.
The governing body is consisting of 21 Board of Directors (BOD’s), out of which 30% women empowerment is ensured, they are selected for a period of 3 years written in the bylaws of the organization. They are elected in Annual General Meeting (AGM) by the democratic system from the organizations that are registered to the GOLD. Each organization nominates 2 members who are participating actively in the affairs related to their particular organization. The BOD’s is composite of 5 female and 16 male members. The BOD’s is headed by a chairman and a cabinet, who also are nominated by the BOD’s through democratic system. The cabinet is divided into a Chairman on top is the authorized person according to the bylaws of the GOLD, Vice Chairman a person to hold the charge of Chairman in case of absence from the office.  Secretary who looks after the routine work of GOLD, Finance Secretary who is responsible to watch the financial matters of GOLD, Manager is responsible to manage the office records and communicate the information within the organization and other stakeholders.
The Village, Women and Youth Organisations development Company, GOLD, established in 2007, with the objective to alleviate poverty by harnessing people's potential through mobilizing the Village, Women and Youth Organisation to plan and implement programs and interventions in partnership with local, national and international development actors as well as public sector departments through Public Private Partnerships (PPP).
Initially a total number of 15 VOs/WOs organized themselves at earlier stage under the umbrella of GOLD-LSO and later on 62 VOs/WOs/YOs have been registered with GOLD - almost 80% of the total population in the area. 18 Community Based Development Organizations (CDOs) have also been registered with GOLD, which is an additional strength of GOLD.

3.     Internship duties and Responsibilities
As an internee under YIP, I worked as Manager at GOLD for 3 months long period. During the time, the responsibilities which were assigned to me were to correspond with all the stakeholders and communicate with them accordingly. I worked in various areas limiting myself with in the TOR of the manager.
Although, there was no record available in the office regarding the projects accomplished earlier due to vacant staff. This internship helps me to learn thoroughly from establishing a team to cover all the data related to the organizations past. 3 volunteer members join me to work at the GOLD according to their interest of fields. The accounts section was not working or there was no data available for the past records. One member worked on accounts, other as a social organizer and the management staff. From managing the project to develop and updating the financial affairs they always put hands in hands to bring the information up to date.
The working areas of GOLD are vast and significant in building the living standards of the local communities. The projects on which I work during my stay at the GOLD are as under:     
3.1              Registration/Re-Active V/WO’s
There were in total 62 organizations in the jurisdiction of the GOLD. Out of which only 15 – 20 V/W/YO’s were legally registered to the organizations. These organizations were rather in active or having no interest in the working of the GOLD.
I and my volunteer team start a campaign to renew and register the organizations. We visited every organization and brief them accordingly. Some 30 more V/W/YO’s were mad registered and collect a registration fee of worth 1000/- from each organization. This money was added to the GOLD account which is a key tool in the sustainable development of the GOLD. After this campaign the in active organizations were made re active.

3.2              Datumbaresho Water Channel
This project was funded by CARITAS through AKRSP to reconstruct the water channel which was partially damaged by the 2010 floods. The GOLD implementing body VO Burong starts the work in July, 2012 but after making little effort some 5% work was completed and remaining was left.
I communicate the issue with the BOD’s and VO Burong to find out the issues pertaining to this project. After making a series of discussions, the GOLD BOD’s hand over the project to a new team established by the approval of VO Burong.
The project was completed within 1.5 months.
3.3              Promotion of Value Added Fruit Products
This project is funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and DoA as a counterparts, started in 2012. The project is aim to promote the Apricot and Apple products nationally and internationally. The purpose of the project is to train the local farmers through capacity building.
During the internship period I was selected for Marketing Survey of Apricot products in markets of Lahore. The 5 group team with the JICA consultant visited Lahore in December, 2013.

The findings of the survey are:-
·         The buyers showed interest in local dried Apricot products if a valid supply chain is ensured.
·         The exporters make a deal to export the local products of dried apricot.
·         High End Markets is key point to display these products if conditions are made favorable and the quality of the products make certain.
·         Some processors placed order for the products and ask to set up future deals.  
After our return we communicate/present this information through a seminar/workshop with the local buyers/purchasers and local farmers to ensure the quality and processing of these products which will ultimately help them and the community.
3.4              Water and Sanitation Extension Project
This project is funded by the KFW Germany & AKF-P and technical support from WASEP with a huge financial share of community themselves. The implementation work was distributed in 3 Phases, Phase-I started in late 2012 and completed in June, 2013. Phase-II and Phase-III are ongoing.
I worked on this project during the internship period. The major duties were to communicate the information with the community apropos to the project. 
3.5              Trainings
I attended several training programs which were essential for learning and understanding the key issues concerning to the communities. These trainings include:
3.5.1        Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
This training focused on the issues related to disaster as Hunza – Nagar district is a vulnerable region in terms of natural calamities. First the Ataabad disaster and now the Miyachar has brought severe concerns within the communities.
The training became fruitful for me to realize the effects and impacts of natural calamities and its aftermaths. I also comprehend to reduce the vast impacts of natural disasters through capacity building of the local communities.
To reduce the disaster risks GOLD has planned to establish a group of trained volunteers who will help the communities in bad times.
3.5.2        Pruning, Thinning, MML
I attended the training on Pruning, Thinning, Processing organized by the JICA. I with two farmers from GOLD received this training in Islamabad. After our return we contacted with other WO’s and trained them accordingly. This training was beneficial for me to understand the importance of Thinning, Pruning and early processing procedures of fruit products in order to maximize the output.
3.5.3        Management and Accounts
This training played a vital role for us in managing the GOLD projects and financial accounts. Now, the official record of GOLD has been compiled and available in for future needs.

3.6              Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The Annual General Meeting held every 3 year according to the bylaws of the organization. I during my stay communicate with the BOD’s to hold AGM for the current year. We worked a lot in this area and AGM will be soon held. It will not only add new faces and ideal people but also include youth both male and female according to the ratio 40% - 60%.
3.7              Surveys
I have conducted the baseline survey for different projects regarding number of Households, Population, Youth, and registered members in the GOLD jurisdiction. This survey brings the initial data for the proposal developed for the project Adolescent Friendly Centre (AFC).
3.8              Universal Birth Registration (UBR)
This project is aim to give Universal Birth Registration (UBR) as a basic identity to the persons aged under 18. I with my team communicate with the concern persons at PMU Hunza and start the registration process. GOLD hired volunteers, boy’s scouts, girls guide, V/WO’s members to collect the data while visiting every household in the jurisdiction.

4.     Findings
Although working in development sector is challenging and demanding. This internship period will play a vital role in the development of professional life. It has enhanced my skills, expertise and way of thinking while working within the community and other development players. This program Enhancing Employability and Leadership in Youth (EELY) foster my capabilities to find opportunities. The program will help every youth in attaining his role/part in the development of society particularly focusing on the developing areas.

5.     Conclusion and Recommendations
Following are some recommendations based on the personal assessment made during the Youth Internship Programme (YIP):-
·         Due to lack of management grant/support from AKRSP, GOLD is suffering critically from the absence of office management staff. Without a proper setup of management staff the communication between GOLD and its stakeholders and with the V/W/YO’s cannot be made within the proper time. I personally suggest that an Internee from each cycle of YIP should be placed in GOLD in order to help and build the communication mechanism.
·          GOLD is no more in active, we are working on several projects with different private and public stakeholders.
·         The V/WO’s which are newly established and registered to the GOLD are working actively.

6.     References/Bibliography

                    i.            GOLD Yearly Progress Report 2013
                  ii.            GOLD Registration Document
                   v.            GOLD Annual Minutes