Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Trek to the Baltar Glacier, Western Karakoram, Pakistan

Camping site & Kamani Peak

 Camping Site at 3200 meters in the Baltar glacier of Western Karakoram range in northern Pakistan. The pasture is lush green with high altitude trees (names unknown to me) dominated by snow capped mountains. The area is home to a group of shepherds who graze their cattle in the grazing season of summers. The Baltar trek is very easy for trekking as compared to other familiar treks in the region. On our way, we only crossed a black glacier which was so nice and fascinating that it offer us a little hardship. 



Baltar Pasture

Here I am standing for a photograph to keep it as an evidence that we once trek to the Baltar (Wall Pasture). The Shepard huts can be visible in the rear of the picture. My friends are on their way to join me, today we are going to see Batura Wall South Face. Unfortunately, lightning rain force us to come back. I just have a glimpse of Batura-I. It was an amazing memory. The place was unknown to me, I did not care for any land slide, avalanche or any other disaster in such harsh weather conditions.  

Kamani Peak Ice flow

Baltar Glacier